BTS help

These pages contain information on how to use Opera's bug tracking system (BTS), an issue reporting, management and tracking tool. The topics covered here are recommended for users who interact with issues and projects, logging and resolving work tracked by BTS. System administrators will find more relevant help topics in the JIRA documentation.

The list below breaks down the concepts covered in these help pages, providing a summary of what is contained in each section. Use the menu above to find what you're looking for. A complete list of topics is also available.

This section provides an overview for how BTS categorizes activities. Find information on what makes a project, or issue, and how these function in organized workflows that direct work in BTS.
Get started
This section provides an introduction to the structure of BTS, including how the tool is organized, how to adjust your profile, and built-in shortcuts for navigating and interacting with BTS.
This section provides information about interacting with issues. Find out more about creating, editing and commenting on issues, including how to log your work on the task.
This section provides information about viewing reports in BTS, as well as generated advanced reports at the project level.
This section provides information about copying dashboards, manipulating dashboard objects, and changing the layout of your dashboard.