Introduction to the dashboard

dashboard layout
The default BTS dashboard and common interface functions. Click to enlarge.

The dashboard is the first page you see when you login. Click the image to enlarge. It has three main areas (noted in the diagram by the red boxes):

  1. The navigation bar at the top of the screen—used throughout the user interface—contains links to quickly access the most useful functions, and a quick search bar for finding issues or projects.
  2. Gadgets show you a filter of issues that you are tracking—perhaps what you are assigned to, or what you've been CC'd on.
  3. The main area of the dashboard is composed of gadgets. The default view above has been set to display useful types of information, including issues assigned to you, cc'd to you, watched issues, team tasks, favorite filters, and issues reported by you. A different set may appear depending on your permissions.

To return to the dashboard from any page, click the BTS link on the top navigation bar, or the Opera icon.

You can configure dashboards to suit your needs. You can move or add gadgets, or create additional dashboards. The customer dashboard cannot be edited directly, however you can copy and edit it to create new, personalized dashboards.