Comment on an issue

Issue comments help other orient themselves to the actions surrounding the tasks and resolution of the issue. Comments are emailed to any user monitoring the issue.

Comments are a great place to ask questions or clarification from other team members. They provide a great historical record for how the issue's tasks were carried out.

comment section of the Activity header
Collapsed, expanded, and edited comments as shown in an issue's activity stream.

Add a comment

To add a comment:

  1. Click Comment from the actions toolbar. The comment field will display.
  2. Type your comment.
  3. Select which users can view this comment in Viewable By. All users means everyone with BTS and project access. Internal means Opera staff only.
  4. Click Add. The comment field disappears and your comment is now viewable at the bottom of the Comments tab under the Activity header.

If you wish to call out a certain user type the @ symbol and begin typing their username. A drop-down of users will filter as you type. Select the user from the drop-down and BTS will notify them by email that they've been mentioned in your comment.

Hide or show comment

You can collapse comments to show only one line. This can make viewing specific comments a little easier, especially if you switching back and forth between browser windows.

To collapse or expand comments, click the arrow located next to the user's avatar.

Edit a comment

To edit a comment:

  1. Hover over the comment with your mouse. The comment background will turn grey and icons will appear on the right-side of the comment text.
  2. Click the pencil icon. The edit comment page appears.
  3. Edit the comment as required.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The word "edited" displays in red to show that the comment has been edited. Hover your mouse over the word to see who edited the comment and when.

Delete a comment

  1. Hover over the comment with your mouse. The comment background will turn grey and icons will appear on the right-side of the comment text.
  2. Click the trash icon. The delete comment page appears.
  3. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.

You can delete your own comments, but you can only delete other user's comments if you have been given specific access to do so.

Sometimes you may want to link to a specific comment within an issue. To do this:

  1. Hover over the comment with your mouse. The comment background will turn grey and icons will appear on the right-side of the comment text.
  2. Click the link icon. The page reloads and they selected comment is highlighted in blue.
  3. The URL in your browser's address bar will now look something like this:

  4. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar and paste it into wherever you want to link from (e.g. an e-mail).