Create and edit an issue

Hit the big blue Create Issue button on the top navigation bar to start creating an issue. First, you will need to assign the issue to the appropriate project and give the issue an appropriate type.

Use the drop-down menus to assign the appropriate project and issue type.

After you've assigned the project and issue type, click Next to begin describing the details of the issue.

Provide a detailed description

create issue dialog window
The issue properties tab, where details about the issue are described.

Providing as much information as possible to describe the issue helps manage the completion of the tasks involved. Sometimes personnel change or are reassigned and issues that aren't fully explained are delayed. More information in the issue's description will make it easier to place the issue into the appropriate hands and have it resolved quickly.

At the very minimum, BTS requires a project, issue type, and summary text for the creation of an issue. It is highly recommended that a detailed description be added, so a manager or BTS system administrator can redirect the issue to its appropriate place.

  • Type a summary of the issue, other relevant information and complete any required fields, which are marked by an asterisk.
  • After you click Create at the bottom of the page, the new issue is created and the View Issue screen displays, showing the issue details that you have provided. You may also receive an e-mail containing details and a link to your new issue.

A list of all issues that you have created, which have not yet been resolved, displays on the default dashboard under the My Reported Issues gadget.

Attach files

You can attach files to the issue to help explain the circumstances or provide resources to team members working on the issue. For example, you may wish to attach a template or screenshot to help speed up the work.

To attach files to an issue:

  1. Click More from the issue's action toolbar, located just below the title of the issue.
    attach files dialog window
  2. Select Attach Files. The attach files window appears.
  3. Click the Choose Files button and navigate to the file you wish to upload.
  4. Click Open. The file name appears in the attachments list.
  5. Optionally, include a comment about the file you have attached.
  6. Click Attach. The Attach Files window disappears and the file is now located under the Attachments header.

Edit issue details

Occasionally, you may have submitted an issue with incorrect information. If so, you can hover over any part of the issue's details to display a pencil icon. Click the icon to edit that section of the issue's details.

If you wish to edit more than one section of an issue all at once:

  1. Click Edit from the action toolbar. The edit issue window displays.
  2. Edit issue fields as required.
  3. In the comment field at the bottom, add a comment about the changes.
  4. When you have finished editing, click Update.

Edit multiple issues

Bulk edits of issues (either moving them, changing versions or security level, etc.) are restricted by access. Mostly, these functions are available to system administrators or project managers. If you have sufficient permissions and want to find out more about bulk edits, email