Projects overview

A project is a collection of issues. For example, a project could be:

  • a customer product
  • core development
  • application development
  • website and hosting maintenance

Every issue belongs to a project. Each project has a name. The project below is named Desktop DNA, for example. Desktop DNA is Opera's desktop consumer browser project.

Each project has a key or shorthand abbreviation of the project. The project's key appears below the name of the project. Below, you can see that Desktop DNA's key is DNA. This key becomes the first part of that project's issue keys, such as DNA-101, DNA-102. Issue keys are used as unique identifiers for issues.

project overview page
The Desktop DNA project landing page.

To see a quick snapshot of a project:

  1. Click Projects from the navigation bar, and select View All Projects.
  2. Select a project from the list.

Click the Issues link from the project's sidebar to see an overview of the issues belonging to that project. From there, you can filter the issues, or view them all. A number of other reports are also available.

What is a version?

versions detail
Example versions from the Desktop DNA project.

Issues have two fields that relate to versions:

  • Affects Version(s) - this is the version(s) in which the issue is occurring.
  • Fix Version(s) - this is the targeted version(s) in which the issue was (or will be) fixed.

Issues that do not have a fix version recorded are classified as 'unscheduled'.

Versions can be in one of three states:

  • released icon Released;
  • Unreleased;
  • or, Archived.

Versions can also have a Release Date and will automatically be highlighted as 'overdue' if the version is unreleased when this date passes.

What is a component?

components detail
Example components from the Desktop DNA project.

A project component is a logical grouping of issues within a project. Each project may consist of various components (or none).For example in the desktop project, components may include add-ons, bugs, distribution, engine tasks, or infrastructure tasks.

An issue can belong to zero, one or many components within a project.