Use Quick Search

Sometimes you just want to be able to get to the particular issue that you are interested in. Other times you can't remember what the issue was, but you remember that it was an open issue, assigned to you. Quick Search can help you.

Type issue keys to jump to issue details

The Quick Search box is located at the top right of your screen. If you type an issue key, you will jump straight to that issue.

For example, if you type in ABC-107 and press Enter, you will be redirected to the issue ABC-107.

Quick Search
The Quick Search bar in BTS, located at the top right of the page.

In many cases, you do not even need to type in the full key, just the numerical part. If you are currently working on an issue in the ABC project, and you type in 123 into Quick Search, you will be redirected to the issue ABC-123.

Use smart queries to filter issues with keywords

Quick Search also enables you to perform smart searches with minimal typing. For example, to find all the open bugs in the TEST project, you could simply type test open bugs and Quick Search locates them all for you. See the table below for examples of possible smart queries.

Keyword Meaning Example(s)
my Issues assigned to me my open bugs returns all unresolved bugs that are assigned to you.
Project key Issues in a particular project test returns all issues in the project named TEST.
overdue Overdue issues my overdue returns all issues assigned to you that were due before today.
Issues with a certain date create:today returns issues in the current project that were created today.
updated:-1w returns issues that were updated within the last week.
Issues with a certain status my unresolved returns all unresolved issues that are assigned to you.
P# Issues with a certain priority my P1 returns all issues assigned to you that are priority level 1.
Issues with a certain type test task returns all issues labeled as tasks in the TEST project.
v:# Issues with a certian version test v:2 returns all TEST project issues labeled as version 2.X.

Search for keywords in issue details

You can search for any word within the issue(s) you are looking for, provided the word is in one of the following fields:

  • summary
  • description
  • environment
  • comments

Free-text search works in both the Quick Search and the issue filter search boxes. You can combine free-text and smart-query keywords together.

For example, let's say you want to find any unresolved issues assigned to you in the test project. You know they are tasks for version 3.0 and you know that they involve work on the bookmarks bar. Then, you'd write:

my unresolved test task v:3 bookmarks bar

As you can see, this becomes very powerful. BTS has even more powerful searching using the Issue Navigator. There, you can use more intensive query syntax to find the issue you're looking for.