View road maps and change logs

BTS can display planning and progress reports based on project. These include road maps and change logs. The instructions below are directed at projects but the same reports can be found for lower-level categories: such as components, and versions.

Browse a project's road map

project road map
Project road maps provide a visual progress report.

BTS provides a road map for projects who have enabled versions, which shows issues scheduled for the ten most recent versions, including unreleased or planned versions. The Road Map provides an overview of progress made towards releasing a version. It shows a quick comparison for the amount of issues that have been resolved, to the amount that are currently pending in the project.

To browse a project's road map:

  1. Click the Projects link in the top navigation panel.
  2. Select the project you are interested in.
  3. Click the Road Map tab on the left sidebar.

Browse a project's change log

project change log
See a snapshot of previous versions with the project change log.

The project change log shows resolved issues in the last ten released versions of a project. Whereas the road map looks forward, the change log looks backward giving an overall view of issues resolved in recent versions.

To browse a project's change log:

  1. Click Projects link in the top navigation panel.
  2. Select the project you are interested in.
  3. Click the Change Log tab.

View your personal road map

personal road map
Your personal road map shows outstanding issues by project.

Personal road maps can help you view what issues are outstanding that are assigned to you, for the next ten unreleased version of any project. This report can help you quickly see what should be prioritzed based on due date, and where you have significant portions of outstanding work.

To browse your personal road maps:

  1. Click your avatar in the top-right of the page and select Profile.
  2. Click the Road Map link on the left sidebar.

Use the Change Project drop-down menu to view outstanding issue in different projects. For a list of issues assigned to you, categorized by project, click the Summary tab and look for the header Assigned Open Issues per Project.