Useful keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts provide a quick and easy way of navigating though BTS without having to take your fingers off the keyboard.

Global shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used on any BTS screen, and will have always have the same effect:

Key Action Description
? Keyboard shortcuts Opens the keyboard shortcuts dialog
G then D Go to dashboard Redirects you to your dashboard.
G then P Go to projects Redirects you to the Browse Projects page.
G then I Go to issues Redirects you to the Issue Navigator.
C Create new issue Redirects you to the Create Issue page.
/ Quick Search Directs your cursor to the Quick Search.

Issues shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used for interacting with issues:

Next issue
Key Action Description
E Edit issue Opens the Edit Issue dialog.
A Assign issue Opens the Assign dialog.
I Assign to me Automatically assigns the issue to you.
M Comment Add a comment to the issue.
S Share Share the issue to a username or email.
L Edit labels Opens the Labels dialog.
. Operations Dialog for all operations.
, Jump to a field Edit issue details inline by field name.
J Previous issue Opens the previous issue in the current project.
K Next issue Opens the next issue in the current project.

Issue Navigator shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used in the Issue Navigator:

Key Action Description
O View selected issue Opens the selected issue.
J Previous issue Changes focus to one issue up the list.
K Next issue Changes focus to one issue down the list.